Thank you for stopping by and visiting our website today! We are proud to announce we have rebranded our agency to the Inspire Travel Group, LLC. While rebranding may have its challenges, we are committed to providing the best possible services and support to our clients and our agents with whom we provide hosting services.
Our story begins in 1992 when my father-in-law Vincent Condeni Sr. founded Casino World Travel. Initially, he was focused on booking what they used to call junkets, sending clients to various casinos around the world. Hence the name Casino World Travel. As the years went by Vincent Sr., along with the support of his family began booking more traditional travel and took on a handful of independent contractors. My husband joined his father in the business full time in 2002 right after the 9/11 attacks. I came along in 2009. By 2013 my husband and I were both working at travel full time so we decided to buy out my father-in-law as he was ready to retire. We remain to this day committed to preserving our family's legacy in the travel industry. Fast forward to 2023 and we are now one of the fastest growing leading retail/host agencies in the business. We book every kind of travel and host dozens of independent agents across the country. Over the years of growth and changes we outgrew our name and what it represents to our clients and agents in today's market. We are so proud to greet you anew with Inspire Travel Group! We chose this name to represent our strength and resilience. We chose this name because we are more than a travel agency, we are a solid group of amazing travel professionals who inspire travel in all that we do. There is no better way to describe us, and the bright future of our family owned and operated retail/host agency. We look forward to serving you long into the future!
From the Owner's Desk : Sheri Hardy Condeni
Inspire Travel Group, LLC
2288 Wagoner Rd, California, KY 41007
For Sales : (513) 563-6608 |
For Operations : 859-835-7770 |